Radio Control Switcher (8 separate switched channels from one RC channel)
The CS8 has been designed to allow you to switch on lights, motors, sound horns or any other device you require in your radio controlled system. The unit works on the standard 1-2mS servo signal products.
Radio Control Receiver Monitor.
Ever wondered what your receiver output is really doing. This unit will measure the pulse width of your system.
F1 style starting lights
Manual push button start (when everyone is in position) then the lights come on one by one at 1 second intervals. They all then go out after a random amount of time. 0.5 to 3 seconds. This time can be modified to customer requirements.

Ward Electronics

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Programmable battery monitor.
A battery monitor for lead acid, and NMhi batteries. The idea is after charging the batteries and letting it rest. A button is pressed and the fully charged state is recorded. Use the device until the batter starts to show signs of fading and then press the second button to record that state.
The state of charge is then displayed on 8 LEDs. .Reprogramming can be done at any time.
Great value Unlimited Broadband from an award winning provider

Ward Electronics
